About Us

We are proud to be Hawke’s Bay locals offering WOFs, COFs (A & B), and HPSVs to our local community.

Our strong connections within it makes us more accountable than our competitors. So we go out of our way to offer outstanding customer service with a smile. Then we can sleep well at night, knowing that we’ve looked after you and your vehicle. Road-safe vehicles, happy customers.

Our Team

Meet our valued and loyal team of vehicle-testing experts, who share our passion for people…

Mark Barnett

Owner & COF B, WOF Inspector

Mark holds a COF B qualification, which allows him to focus on his area of interest and expertise – heavy transport vehicles. It brings together specialist skills that he’s honed after 25 years working as a qualified diesel mechanic.

Jo Webster

Owner & Office Manager

Keeping the admin running smoothly behind the scenes, is owner, Office Manager and people-lover, Jo. With 25 years of office management experience behind her, she oversees the day-to-day operations of COF’s Hawke’s Bay with warmth and efficiency.

Ryan Workman

Workshop Foreman and WOF, COF A, COF B, & HPSV Inspector

Qualified A Grade Diesel Mechanic.

Qualified COF B, COF A, WOF, HPSV inspector (17 years).

COF’s Hawke’s Bay’s Workshop Manager.

Paul Whateley

WOF, COF A, COF B, HPSV & Motorcycle Inspector

Qualified Diesel Mechanic.

Qualified COF B, COF A, WOF, HPSV & Motorcycle (12 years).

Team - Andre

Andre Baldock

COF B, COF A, WOF & HPSV Inspector

Qualified Diesel Mechanic.

Sharron McKay


Our friendly, efficient receptionist, Sharron, loves welcoming new clients and greeting return ones, who invariably become part of the COF’s HB family. Sharron works part-time, putting her excellent organisational skills to good use at the front desk, while also maintaining time for family and other interests.

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